Sunday, September 18, 2011

Langston is in her 20's

Its so hard to believe that my baby is almost 2 years old.  So here are a few updates:
~she is constantly talking, and it makes alot more sense
   *"ight"- Light
   *"shuse"- juice
   *"shooooes"~ shoes
   *"me"~ mine
   *"ilk"~ milk
   *"wayer"~ water
   *"bi bir"~ big bird
   *"eh-fan"~ elephant
   *"Sheent" ~ stink (this one may get us in trouble... because every time she poos, she says "me Sheent"! and if you're not listening well it sounds like "me sh*t" and if i say "stinky" she says yes "sheenty" 
~ She calls most of her classmates by name: Ashon (ashton) Char-ee (Charlie) Sofe (Sophia)... Yani (Raniey, but this it also how she says Lani but when I ask her if she means Lani she will shake her head yes or no)
~ she knows her animal sounds for cow, dog, cat, fish,duck, monkey, and elephant
~ she tells you when she has gone potty (now if i can get her to say it before)
~she is obsessed with brushing her teeth, but is no longer a fan of bath time
~she loves Batch and wants to hold the leash every time we go walking
~she recognizes Nini, Daddy, Poppy, Dea, and Titi Cylinda's voice on the phone.
~She is obsessed with elmo, lining things up, and closing doors still. (the teacher side of me is concerned at times that this may be early signs of autisms or OCD rituals. I've asked her teacher and she feels that its all typical toddler behavior)

~ yesterday we went to the dr for her last round of shots (she was behind due to strep and respiratory infections this summer).
She is currently 21 lbs,
wearing size 24 month shirts but 12 month pants. Size 5 shoe
Dr had us switch her to Soy milk to help with her nasal allergies.  Milk apparently thickens mucus

Did You Miss Me????

Well, I've missed you all!
Its hard to believe that its been almost a month since I've blogged.
We're have i been you ask? WORKING!!!!

This year has definitely been a lot of work. We only have one conference period this year (i know some of my other teacher readers are like, and?) so when you get used to having 2, you get a little spoiled.
I also have began coaching again.  We start practice at 6:50 am, which means I'm at work by 6:30 (yes in the am). Now this is the time i usually wake up, but now i wake up around 5am....Fast forward through my day... I leave work by 4:30 or 5pm. (unless its a game night). I pick up Lani from school. We watch Elmo, and make dinner.  I get her ready for bed and snuggle with her until she falls asleep around 8. 

At this point I knock out as well, until i get up at 5, do laundry, dishes, etc, get ready for work, then start it all again!

.... long story short...... i'm trying to find more time to blog!

wedding video