Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Please stay my baby forever :(

So some of you may know, but last week, Lani's teacher told me that she will no longer be using a crib for nap time, and will be transitioned to a mat! WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?! my sweet baby is only 19 months (update coming soon!) she cant possibly be old enough.  Then she also mentions, that this would be a great time to transition her to a toddler bed! Toddler bed? she barely sleeps in her crib at home, how am I supposed to put her in her own bed? As if that wasnt enough for my poor little heart and mind to process, they told me yesterday they are moving her to the 2 year old room! Noooooo! not my little baby! This whole thing just makes me sad, and reminds me even more that Lani is not going to be my baby forever....

Note: she is handling all of these transitions great, and even slept on her mat the first day for 2 hours! I however am not (JIC you were confused)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Worst Mommy Ever!!!!!!/SAHM?????

Days like today i feel like the worst mommy ever! It's 6:30 and all i can do is pray that my baby girl goes to bed early tonight because im absolutely exhausted, frustrated, and overwhelmed.  I find myself wondering how full time SAHMs do it???? I wake up at 7:30 am to the screaming of "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYY! GET BABA" (no exaggeration) or" ELLLLLLLLLLLLMMMMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOO"; who btw will be getting his own blog post, because in our house he is a superstar.... And my day is full speed until nap time (which i am usually crashed right next to her) or until bed time, which has gotten gradually later this summer! Some days i find myself wondering, "Did i bathe today?" "When was the last time i ate" "Are there other shows on tv besides backyardigans, sesame street, and yo gabba gabba?" "I swear i just cleaned this room!" (SN: i do bathe daily, and these thoughts and feelings dont happen everyday incase you were wondering)

I have learned so many new tricks of the trade over the last 3 months....

~ you can vacuum just about anything up, and attachments are my best friend!
~ nothing cures a meltdown/tantrum filled day like a lavender bubble bath with bath bombs, aka fizzy tub colors for kids 
~ no matter how many times you clean up, it will get messed up again  so try not to stress to much
~DONT DO OR SAY ANYTHING YOU DONT WANT REPEATED AROUND A TODDLER. (we are currently working on removing the "S" word from our vocabulary)

As well as many other things....

As much as i love my baby girl, I have to admit, I'm counting down to going back to work, being able to go the bathroom alone, having 15 minutes to my self to breath, or just adult interaction on a daily basis.  And i feel horrible, because i think of the millions of people who have lost children or cant have them, and would give everything to switch places with me.  I was watching the today show this am, and this clip made me feel a little better to know that i wasn't alone! So I felt a little obligated to share this post with all the other WME(worst mommy's ever); you are not alone, and to let all my SAHM friends know: YOU ARE MY HERO! It takes extreme strength and patience to do your job, and you ladies dont get enough credit!

SN: As i'm typing this post, im sitting on the bathroom floor while lani takes a bath.  she just pooted and annouced "OOOOOOOOOOOO We Stinky!" Then burst out laughing. I couldnt help but crack up too.  And everything that i was just feeling and cranky about just went out the window! Gotta love that crazy girl of mine!

wedding video