Monday, November 13, 2017


 Get a boll one cup of flower 2 teaspoons of water a small cup of salt mixit together for 2 mini nits cont to 60 2 times add  any color you want  then put the play-dow in your after you put the food coloring on the play-dow play whith your play-dow if your play-dow is miushee add 2 cups of flower  then 1.5 small cup of water play with it agin then add the sane food coloring as you put in be for then play with it then put your play-dow in the  microwave for 30 secants then let it colldawn then play with it then tern it in to a ball then put it in to a container ...
HOW TO MACK ORBEEZ! how to mack orbeez you can eat you candy them from the store or either mack them they feel so weed or like jell-O  you will need jellotin salt food coloring corserup water manaez som fish oral wipkreem some backindsoeda crashed hot cheetoes som eggs some marshmelos some bilk wick the eggs a bole then put it in to the bol masher you mixe them to gather add the blue food coloring alittel bit of tip ckreem lots of mellow tin come cornserup some eggs masher you mix ti very well mixit at shreemlee well put it into the exsperwell gals tanner your a screener to get the foam out and mack it all lies and bottufal put it in there for a whole daycerfulee tack it out be cereal there not nies they are frajall  then you can eat it it is not my resume  and i down on his name .

wedding video