Friday, June 10, 2011

five question friday

1. How close to your childhood dreams is your life now?
i would love to say that i'm living the fairy tale dream, but honestly thats not true. except for my baby girl! i always dreamed i would have this beautiful little girl, and that part came true.  as "wild" as she is, i wouldnt change her for the world, and am so blessed and honored to be her mommy
2. What is one must have item for the summer?
AIR CONDITIONER!!! Last summer it went out and that was a hot mess! literally! a HOT mess!

3. Do you have your kids stay up on school stuff during summer vacation? (Or, if you don't have kiddos, did your parents make you keep up on school stuff during summer?)
my parents made me read during the summer. what ever was on the suggested list, like i had to read all of them!!! ugh! i don't think it helped at all by the way, and im a teacher

4. Do you can or freeze fresh produce?
i dont! but i guess you could.  i by frozen fruits and veggies all the time

5. Do you get ready for the day first thing in the morning?
yes! i cant function the night before, because i'm too tired from that day, so i get up at 5:30 and make lani's breakfast lunch, shower, pack her diaper bag, may be a load of dishes or put some dinner in the crock pot! i'm very efficient between the hours of 5 and 7 am... but dont even think to ask me to do anything after 10 pm... you're SOL 

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