Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Dizzy Days!!!!

The past few days have been a bit stressful for me. I've had the joy of experiencing some of the down points of pregnancy. For example... the dizziness... this really sucks. it ranges from slight, to the point of seeing spots. Since it's only happening in the mornings, my Dr thinks it could be a few things, dehydration and or my blood sugar is dropping very low over night, or that i could have the beginnings of a viral infection .

I'm really hoping we get all of this under control. The thought of being sick, scares me to death. As for now, my Dr just wants me to eat and drink a lot more. Apparently i need at least 6 meals a day. Which is difficult when you're not hungry, but I will do what ever it takes. I'm just going to keep my fingers crossed, and pray that this is something simple and doesn't become harmful to my little one.

pregnancy cartoon
pregnancy cartoon


  1. Hang in there Ashley. My dizziness didn't start until later but got much better if I ate LOTS of protein. Try nuts, eggs, peanut butter..etc. I know all those things sound disgusting but hopefully they will help!

  2. Oh the joy, I did have some light headness at times & I didn't eat much either. Just make sure you eat like fruits & what not...that's what I did in between meals or even just to replace a meal since I wasn't hungry that often. It'll get better as time goes on though as far as the sickness...but you'll be uncomfortable towards the end which is the worse part. The last month or so of my pregnancy I slept on the couch, it seemed to be the only place I was comfortable enough to sleep the entire night. Well I hope all is well! Take care, love ya lots...


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