Friday, June 29, 2012

A Change Gone Come....

Depending on how long you've known me, or how long its been since you've seen me, you might know me with two very diffrent body structures.

if you met me in highschool i looked like this (105lbs)...

if you met me in college i looked like this (110-120)...

if you met me when i began teaching, I looked like this (130ish)...

when i got married (130-140)...

pregnant (150-190)....

post baby (160)...

my heaviest  (180)

start of seporation (165lbs)....

and now (170)....

(sorry for the crazy pic size, blogger wouldnt let me adjust them)

so as you can see i've gone through quite some changes over the years....

So what happened...

well i grew up super active. i played softball, did cheerleading, and competive dance team, and ate what ever the hell i wanted (excuse my french) . 

My freshman year of college i tore my ACL.  I was on cruches for a year, then had surgery and lost even more weight, and while i couldn't dance like i used to, i was still hiking across campus daily.

after i graduated, i moved back home with my parents and thanks to my super healthy and fit mom, i was still exercising pretty regulary.

However, when i moved out on my own, i got lazy, and still ate the same way.  So 6 years later I found myself 50 pounds heavier, and at my heighest nonpregnancy weight of 180  (sadly my pregnancy weight wasnt much higher).  I lost 20 lbs pretty quickly last year, with the help of my friends at work, exercise,  my mom, , and the start  of my seporation. 
But that didnt last long.  I began coaching again, to make extra money while we were seporated, and due to a hectic schedule found my self constantly eating fast food, and never working out, and soon gained 10 lbs back. where i am now. 170lbs and not liking the weight.

So I met with my doctor and we came up with a weightloss plan. 

I hope to track my weightloss over the next few months.
  I'm sure there will be plenty of highs and lows, and i will need all the support i can get.

My goal is to loose 30-40 lbs.  I will be exercising, eating more healthy, and taking a prescribed medicine from my doctor. 

I will have monthly check-ins with my doctor, to weigh in, take measurements, and have an EKG.

I will keep you posted! 


  1. So honest Ashley! Thanks for being bold and getting all that out there! Prayers for a successful journey!

  2. So proud of you Ashley!! We can definitely workout together when I am in town. Let me know! It's Tamika Jackson btw!

  3. thanks guys~ the only way i can make a change is be honest with myself. i also want to make sure that i can teach Lani to have a healthy body image. I cant do that unitl I have one myself. keep me in your prayers. its gonna be a long journey

  4. Ashley boo,this is awesome!!! You're going to have tough days ahead(and I say that with love because when I first started exercising IT WAS SO HARD and sometimes discouraging!!!!)but it takes 21 days to start a habit, once you form the habit of doing, youre going to GIT ER DONE!!! Im so excited to blog stalk and see how you progress! Love ya girl. Take care and God bless. Ummssssssssssss


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