Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Doodle Bug Easter egg Hunt

The Doodle Bugs had an Easter Egg Hunt the Saturday before Easter. 
We had sooo much fun. 

 Lani's Bestie Beck was a little anxious to get some eggs!
 Hunting with NiNi!

Doing a "Happy Dance" when she found some eggs!

 Arts and Crafts

Long Lost Pics~

I took a bunch pics over the last few months that i apparently forgot about.
I havent had a chance to edit them yet, but figured i better post some before i forget again.
Haynes Family Breakfast:

First Day of Spring:

Harris Family Pics!

Hard to believe but we had not taken an official (i.e. professional) family picture since Lani was born.  My friend Anna at Anna Vines Photography was able to snap a few pics for us. 

Make sure you check out her webpage or find her on facebook.  Here are a few of the pics she took:

Thanks Anna!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

St. Patty's Day Play Date

 Over spring break Lani and I got together with  My friends Marisa, Katrina, and their babies.  
Not sure how i forgot about these pics, but i figured better late than never!

We had such a great time! Thanks Marisa for hosting!

Easter Fairy

Doesn't she look like a little fairy in this dress!!!
I totally should have broken out the wings for this one!!!
Thank you Aunt Charlotte for such a sweet surprise!

We tried to take a family portrait.  But somebody wasnt in the mood.  
I would like to blame it on her first visit to the church daycare! EPIC FAIL.
Her teacher said she cried and wanted to be held the entire 2 hours

Thank you Jesus for giving your life for us, so that we could live!

And Jesus Christ our Lord was shown to be the Son of God when God powerfully raised him from the dead by means of the Holy Spirit. Through Christ, God has given us the privilege and authority to tell Gentiles everywhere what God has done for them, so that they will believe and obey him, bringing glory to his name.~ Romans 1:4-5


I'm working on a few new posts... 

Harris Family Pics
Doodle Bug Easter Egg Hunt
Easter Fairy
Long Lost Pictures
St. Pattys Day Play Date

and I'm sure a few more that I will remember eventually!!!
So Stay tuned

Mommy and Me Photo Shoot~

For Mother's Day my mom, Lani, and I did a "Mommy & Me" photo shoot!  
Although Lani was having a few Diva moments and it ended up being more of "Lani and Us" shoot!
Shannon at Lilypads and Butterflywings Photography did an awesome job!
She was super flexible and did and awesome job capturing Lani's personality!

 She was so tickled... running from Miss Shannon

A Diva Moment when she decided she was not going to sit in the window with Mommy and Nini

 I just love this one

you know there had to be a "row row row your boat" pic

 Can't you just imagine her complaining!!!

 wondering if she was going to join us

 Playing hide and go seek

 i love this one too!

Cant wait til she's a little older and we can give it another try!

wedding video