I know many people choose to tell their kids the truth about Santa, but in my house Santa is for real, and heres why....
My sweet child has already lost SO much of her innocence in the last few years.
She has experienced heartache beyond her years, and has grown up faster than any almost 6 year old should ever have to.
But some how through all of this, she manages to still believe ...
still believe in the tooth fairy....
the easter bunny....
and Santa...
Does that mean she doesn't know the true meaning of Christmas or Easter... Not at all. And if you ask her why we celebrate these days, she will proudly tell about how Awesome her Jesus is, as well as the whole story behind these days. She prays before every meal and every night before bed, and prayers for others as well. So i have no doubt that we have developed a true understanding and platform for her Christianity and faith.
We always discuss the best and worst part of her day, so when I asked her how Friday at school went, she stated that a kid told her that all of these were fake, as well as God and Angels. That they were "Legends" . I was prepared to explain the truth to her, by my sweet girl proudly let him know that Angels are 'most definitely real, because her daddy is an angel and watches over her all the time, just like Santa, the Easter bunny, the tooth fairy and especially GOD, and if he chose not to believe thats fine, but she is a believer and thats all that matters.'
So who am I to break faith like that...
So as long as she believes i will support her, and help to maintain this magic for her.
We will continue to write letters
She will continues to visit the Santa at the mall although in her own words, "he aint the real Santa, just a guy pretending because santa is super busy"
We will continue to put out reindeer food on the grass and milk and cookies by the fire place on christmas eve (which i will then take one for the team and eat)
She will continue to get a gift from Daddy which is delivered by Santa, because he has the ability to stop at Daddy's cloud, when he flies through heaven and bring Daddy's gift to her each year...
And i will continue to watch her face light up as she continues to believe in magic...
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