As a woman, you know your body, and know when something is wrong, so i made and appointment with Dr. B.
I explained her that my normally regular cycles were now totally out of whack.
a little history....
I have had crazy hormone levels since i was a kid, so i started taking meds pretty early to control them. My OB is also a hormone and weight loss specialist, so she has been my medical guru since i was about 14.
Dr B shared all the pros and cons of switching, and we decided this would be a great fit, and at first it was.
Everything had been going pretty well since Lani was born, but starting January things started getting a little crazy.
I became very irregular and being the over analyzer that i am, was totally freaking out.
In June my doctor decided to do a sonogram just to check things out. Turns out, while my IUD was in, it had shifted and was basically non functional. I had also developed a functional cyst right ovary.
Functional cysts often form at the end of ovulation or during very early pregnancy as a result of the hormones produced by the body. The Dr was able to tell that I was currently ovulating, and we would have to wait a few weeks to see if there was a pregnancy or if the cyst would shrink. (note: these cysts don't normally form when you are on birth control, meaning my IUD was probably inactive for a while).
For the next 2 weeks everything went well, the but starting the 3rd week, things changed. Suddenly I
had lost all forms of an appetite, became extremely bloated, gained 5 lbs, low grade fever and had a missed cycle. Now with Lani I had no early symptoms of pregnancy but a missed cycle, so this is where our minds went. However, I was still unaware that these are also the symptoms of a ruptured cyst.
Saturday evening I began to experience excruciating pain. I have to admit that i was heartbroken knowing that if I was pregnant this was the end of it. So I took some pain medicine and decided to lay down and rest. I knew i had a follow up drs appointment on Tuesday, and would wait until then to go to the Dr.
After seeing the dr, doing blood work, and a new sono, it was verified that i had a ruptured cyst.
With that said, I began to research Mirena failures. i was amazed by the number of people who experienced similar issues. And after talking to friends and family, found 5 people that had similar
I will never use a Mirena IUD again, and i suggest you research Mirena Failure, before you do too