Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Dear Langston~

My dear baby,

It is so hard to believe that tomorrow you will be here. While we both are scared, nervous, anxious, and about 100 other emotions, we both agree that tomorrow will be the most important, amazing, and life changing day of our lives. We have waited so long for you to get here and cant believe that God has trusted us with such a fragile, sweet and innocent little angel. As you grow, i know there will be times that we might not always agree, but know that we are always on your side and have your best in mind. I pray that you grow to be a beautiful and successful person, and that you always remember that your dreams are in reach. See you tomorrow my sweet angel!

love, mommy

1 comment:

  1. YAY!! I am SO SO SO excited for you!! Makes me want to do it all over again! Seriously! I think labor and delivery was so awesome and seeing her for the first time. That never ever be recreated! Good luck, breathe, and enjoy the miracle of life! Cant wait to see pictures!!!!!!!


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