Monday, July 5, 2010

Lani's First 4th of July & future Gerber Baby

So yesterday was the 4th of July and we had a great holiday. Brian and Toni spent the day with us, and the original plan was to go to the lake with the Williams family. However, we found out they weren't going to have fireworks, so we stayed in Dallas and went to her "Uncle Shawn's" (one of sean's bestfriends) house in addison. After staying there for a while we headed back to G-town so we could see the fireworks since Kaboom town was the night before, only to find out that they were going to have fire works in addison anyways. It then became my mission to find fireworks for lani to see. Mind you its 9;30 and her bed time and she is screaming her head off it the car. So we decide to just go home and the minute we get to our street what do we notice... Lani is sleep, and we can see fire works in the distance. So we drive down towards some empty fields, which are actually filled with random people and cars, and we are able to see 3 different shows. I'm assuming plano, wylie and garland. At first i was super sad that Lani was sleeping through the show, so sean suggested we wake her up. I'm guessing that she loved the fire works by the repeated screams, giggles, and growls we heard! LOL!

Here are a few pics


On to the next topic. Lani's Aunt Arry sent me a link to enter Lani into a contest for the next Gerber baby.  I submitted apic a while back and honestly thought it didnt work, because i never heard anything else. But surprisingly i received an email from the Gerber company on Saturday saying Lani's pic was chosen and that voting for this month was now open.  So we literally messaged everyone we knew and have been voting daily for our baby girl. So if you want to vote for our sweet baby girl please click here. You may vote once per day per email address.  They will choose 6 winners per month for the next 6 months and a grand prize winner from those winners.

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